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Old 09-21-2009, 08:54 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by FormerPalmOS View Post
I have found a problem with 23049 (6.1 nk.exe) and sending SMS. I am able to receive but not send. This isn't the "click the send icon and nothing happens" problem - instead messages sit in the outbox, or disappear from the outbox and are shortly followed by a pop-up notification like below:

"Text Messages Retry
{message #}
{message recipient and first few characters}
Error Class : Temporary
Cause Code : SMS Org.D.
Unable to send message.

I can click retry but the error reappears.

This could be a network or account problem from some research. I will be flashing to a stock ROM to check, then trying 23053. But if anyone has any ideas, I will appreciate any insight.

EDIT - confirmed the problem remains on a stock ROM as well. Definitely a problem with my account / carrier. Next step - call to customer service geniuses...
I've cured the problem but I'm not convinced. Turns out my carrier PPP username and password had been cleared out and this was causing SMS to fail. I hadn't noticed because the phone had WiFi and ActiveSync for data. Anyway, I reset this info and the problem went away. Maybe it was the solution, maybe it was coincidence. I had been on the phone with VZW as well.
ROM: WM6.5 nk.exe (Da_G), sys 23518 (Da_G), VZW OEM pack (scrosler)
Apps: Manila 2.1 (yozgatag), Leo dialer (pyrorob)
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