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Old 09-21-2009, 04:43 AM
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Re: Sprint HTC Touch Pro 2 - Missing Conference Call Button on Dialer..?

Although it looks like we don't have the cool Conference Call feature -- anyone notice that conference button only comes up when you call both parties?

case 1: I dial party B, put B on hold. I then call party C, and the Conference button appears and I am able to 3-way.

case 2: I dial party B and then party C calls me. B is on hold, but instead of the Conference button, I have a Swap button. No button to conference.

case 3: same as case 2 but party B calls me first and then I dial party C. Swap button appears.

Nearly every phone I've had can still conference parties in. Am I missing something or is this option in a menu? Pretty ridiculous if it's not there...
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