Originally Posted by jmy72
People, People, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been mentioned more times than my dog has peed on my floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is a button at the top of the page called search. Don't say you tried, cuz if you had you would have found it. It has been mentioned in this thread a thousand times. That being said, I will throw you a bone and give ya a freebie. I took my own advice and searched for it,(even though I don't need it, cuz I have already done this) and if you go to http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...ix#post1099885 you will find your precious lil keyboard fix version two. But Seriously guys, stop being lazy and search please, I am going to go insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"People, People, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has been mentioned more times than my dog has peed on my floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
WOW!! Now that was funny as all hell!! Thanks for all of your hlep man I will thank you for this post. I will thank you just for that quote alone. lmao!!