Originally Posted by youngpro83
Yeah Im not seeing #777 anywhere. I see suspendresume and the data value is gprs_bye_if_device_off
You're gonna end up not able to answer calls. Believe me it will happen. You will slide the slider or hit the hard answer key and it will keep ringing. The other entry that is commonly seen for this registry entry is "~GPRS". That one will also cause problems.
Here's what to do as a test.
1. There is a battery program on your phone, I think it's "lbattery" or something in the tweaks folder. Run it with your data off no other programs runnings. Note your current draw. This is in miliamps. Let everything settle down for a minute and take note of the number.
2. Update your weather on the weather tab and while it's updating check your current draw. Make a note of the highest number you see.
3. Watch your data connection icon. When it disconnects take note of the current draw. Now Let it settle down and take note of the number.
4. Change the registry setting above to #777. Reset phone.
5. Update your weather. Check current draw. Note highest number seen.
6. Wait about 1 minute to ensure that the weather update is complete.
7. Take note of your data connection icon. Still on? Check current draw. Remember let it settle for about a minute.
I'll bet the numbers you get from #3 and #7 will be about the same if not identical.
This proves that even though the data connection is connected it is not REALLY active and not drawing any current.
Let me know what you come up with.