I hear ya.
About a year ago, I spent over 100 hours cumulatively on the phone with Sprint clearing up numerous and repetitive billing errors and unauthorized plan changes.
I must say that Sprint's Customer Service has improved over the past year.
If I switched plans, it would cost me approximately $750.00 more than what I am paying now, over a 2 year period.
In addition or rather subtraction, I would lose 500 monthly AT minutes, free roaming, pick 3 and my nights and weekends would start 2 hours later

Now let me think if I would switch.....No.
Btw, you said the following in your previous post >
"They dont care if some people switch to a Razr or a Katana as long as the people on winmo bb's and the hero wll be paying in more."
Just to clarify, the WinMo devices don't require a special plan