Originally Posted by winmonewbie
On previous builds battery output was the same with the data off as when the data was on but not active (ahuskins' work/research), don't know that 920 is different? In the past the "disable data" has been associated (by myself and others) with a unstable Tachi dialer. Have you had any dialer issues? Will be interested in hearing more after a few days of use. Thanks for the info. Hope it's ok I cut out most of your post.
No problem with the cut post. I have not had any problems with tachi at all. I didnt disable it completely. I just disabled it after 1 minute because I noticed that when my data connection was connected it would stay connected and would have a timer associated with it that just kept running nonstop. Really killing my battery quickly. Disabling it after 1 minute was my only way to really stop the continuous data running after connecting. As far as the tachi dialer with this setting I have not had any issues and I have done this tweak since I flashed the previous version of this rom. I will do a more thorough test with the dialer tomorrow, trying out all of the setting and what not and post back.