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Old 09-20-2009, 09:25 PM
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Re: Is the Touch/Vogue still popular?

In my humble opinion fixxxer, the vogue seems to be just about dead... Sure there's still chefs (vin, me, nfsfan, nag, ghetto, jtuite) and sys porters (ali3n) But for the most part everything seems to be moving to VGA resolution, and the Vogue is aging.

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE my Vogue and will stick with it untill my contract expires, but it doesnt take a genius to see the Vogue is starting to see its end of days. But its had a good run, and will continue to "jog" along behind the others

Phones: HTC Vogue (Incubusj2c's 2.2 RLS12) RETIRED
Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant (Rooted, stock FW)
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