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Old 09-20-2009, 05:57 PM
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weak Weak Keyboard....

so as of up till right now ive been satisfied with the tp2, but i finally found a grip..... Well under my down arrow and left arrow there is air bubble looking crap like that under a screen protector, so now im thinking theres obviously a thin plastic film probably for protection of minor scratches, but anyways it looks like paint chipping off and is ugly... O well, if it dont get bigger i dont care, but upon more inspection, i notice there is a crack on the board where all the keys are, right in between the left and down arrow keys, and thats the reason the bubbles are there......

So checking more i get a needle cause i find what i thaught was another crack but it was a hair, but moving the hair off i pressed slightly in between the buttons on the board and it flexed a little with very little pressure.... So i start pressing all over the board in between the keys and its weak as can be, you could probably put a hole in it or another crack anywhere with slight pressure.... I cant believe how week it feels pressing, imagine everytime you miss the key slightly or accidently putting pressure in the middle it may be slowly wearing and eventually may crack...... Now if it dont get worste im good with it as its hard to see except the bubbles.....

maybe its just me, but it feels week, put pressure in the middle of any keys, youll almost break through to the bottom.....
(Hummingbird FTW)
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