Originally Posted by WarAxe
Umm... I hope you're not referring to internal storage, because that's not correct... leaving that alone is fine. (Indeed for me it's vital).
One thing that also helps some is to "Clear Storage" after flashing the custom ROM and letting go through its paces. For whatever reason... that seems to help.
Sometimes certain files in the internal storage can mess with a new ROM. If you need files from the internal storage just keep a back up of them on your PC. Then copy the files back over when you are done reflashing. Set your phone to USB device when you first connect it to the USB cable. Then the files will tranfer to and from the phone a lot faster than with activesync.
Quote from RileyD5 on a NRGZ28 ROM post
"Another thing to check out is the internal storage folders. Look for folders that are created from previous custom roms you are using a delete them. go into to internal storage>programs folder and delete old folders since you are installing the software on a new rom and should start from a clean slate. A good example of this is the youtube folder which needs to be deleted or you may get errors post flash. the reason is you may be using one rom with a different youtube version and it conflicts with the one NRG is using."