Hey guys, I know theres cabs floating around everywhere but I thought I'd try to consolidate and make a working version here for Verizon. This guide will clean up Verizons home screen, enabling background for all pages, flip and clear clock, and transparent tabs.
First install
BG For all pages WVGA to enable background on all pages in TF3D. Next install
eboelzner (cab by C07) Verizon TP2 White Flip Clock, to enable the flip clock on home screen. Then install
Clear Clock to make it clear. Next install
C07 VZW Logo Remove to get rid of the Verizon logo since it will have been moved to the left of the center of the screen. Now install the
No Curtains cab to remove the upper and lower curtain in tf3d. Finally install
Lucarp78TS cab and then copy the files in
For 2.5 to the windows directory. This will enable clear tabs in TF3D. Optionally you can also install
Personalizer_3.1 to write whatever you want in place of the carriers name on the upper left in TF3D. Anyway hope this is useful to some people! I know I spent a while searching around trying to find working versions of these things. Of course credit goes out to all the creators of the all these cabs. Enjoy!
Edit: Here's a screenshot of how it all looks