Originally Posted by veedubguru
I could never understand why people buy the Touch Pro for $100 more than the Diamond, then want to use an SIP when you have that wonderful 5 row keyboard.
No hate intended though! Everyone has their prefrence... I just can't stand the SIP. I can type almost as fast with the Touch Pro as I can with a laptop thanks to the REAL keyboard. LOL
I'm sure their are more differences between the touch pro and the diamond, plus the pro is "newer" and more "up to date/cutting edge" lol
But seriously, I see what you are saying but regardless how "real" the keyboard is you are still typing with your thumbs which on a qwerty isn't as fast as typing with all your fingers. With the phone keypad each digit uses three letters so if you have t9 on and know what you are doing it is easily the fastest way to type. I use the keyboard when i am typing long messages or webpages into the browser etc, but the phone keypad is more convenient when typing short messages and when multitasking. Why should I have to slide the keyboard open to say "hi" which is pressing one button twice one the phone keypad?
To each it's own but that's why i asked if anyone could supply a cab to enable the other sips, because i know everyone doesn't want them.
Originally Posted by veedubguru
Thats what I didn't understand. 300 B6 had Manila 2.1, and the programs tab worked perfectly.
I agree with you, I haven't had any probs out of the programs tab. could anyone tell me what was going wrong?