How to disable HTC Close Button
My phone is a little flakey and I'd like to get to the bottom of what makes it unstable.
I have disabled TouchFlo Cube and HTC Home screen (in registry). But the display was locked up this morning (fresh boot from night before). Phone was still running ok and shutdown button worked but display was stuck. Sometimes when it gets stuck like this I wait and it unsticks itself but it didn't this time.
Comm Manager randomly has wrong font and and Close Button when using Weather Panel is corrupted image.
So I'd like to try to disable the HTC Close Button.
Also I'd like to run the standard WM6 Startmenu.
Also would like to run standard WM6 Keyboard.
Anyone know how to do this?
I just want to get to basics and work my way up. I like the HTC Home screen etc. but something is unstable, I'll run what I'm confident is stable.
My BT Headset is acting flakey too, similar to Mogul on 2.09. It may be the headset is starting to go (lion battery). Every morning the head behaves as if it's dead. Tap button gives no beep in ear. So I reboot headset and then it connects fine. But on the first call it disconnects. And no option on phone to reconnect. I tap to reconnect and I get no audio. Hangup and try again then things will be ok for the day. Audio quality is good. It may be time for new headset. But it used to work fine on 6700 and I like it. But 6800 and Touch it has not been great (other than audio has always been great).