Originally Posted by dwizzy130
No problem man. Personally I don't think this build is unstable at all. But that's just me.
I soft reset 6-10 times daily. No exceptions.
Software keyboard causes crashes/lag
Running audio booster guarantees the need for a soft reset within an hour
Freezes, lockups, programs which just won't run randomly (warranting a soft reset)
Strange performance in general
I have even stopped paying attention and am growing to hate this phone more and more because of this. I've stuck with Juicy's ROMs since he started making them again, with good reason - they were simple, like-stock and always had the latest packages. I can't say the same any more, ever since getting a blackberry, Juicy has stopped keeping this ROM up nearly as much, time to move back to the stock ROM and wait it out till this TP breaks and run far, far away.