Originally Posted by Damionix
I am sorry everyone, I finally got it to work.
Thanks, turns out there was an empty contact on my contact list on Google. just deleted that and all is well.
Since this does not have HTC Task Manager, please, how do I enable press X to close program, My phone freezes after a while , it runs out of memory.
Originally Posted by nate.spangler
did you cook??? or just use the prebuilt rom?
im assuming you used the prebuilt...
try this and map it to your long press send key in settings/personal/buttons
Guys, you don't need to do that. ShowcaseSuite is baked into the prebuilt 23053 ROM. Just tap once on the "X" to close, long press on the "X" to minimize and long press on the Start icon to bring up Showcase.
Works like a charm!!
edit: If you are using Resco Regedit, you can add the window class name: RESCO_REGISTRY_CLASS to the following key to adjust correctly for the larger tray bar.
HKCU > Software > e-Natives Technology > Showcase > SUITE_PositionFix_WinClasses