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Old 09-19-2009, 07:02 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Sep 14] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Three things. I have had no problems with the My Location feature, I live in Ottumwa, IA, a city not in the database, yet when it updates, it does say Ottumwa, IA. So it's able to get the city name for most cities, however today I was in Hedrick, IA (About 12 miles away), and it either kept saying I was in Ottumwa, or finally changed to say "My Location", so I am guessing very small towns may not be displayed, or it may pick the next biggest town around you.

The second item has happened to me and a friend who's phone I flashed to Psyki's as well, our SMS icon will show a (1) for an unread message, yet I have none, I went as far as deleting every single sms message, including sent, drafts, and deleted items and it still says (1). I had to hard reset to clear it, a regular reset did not fix it.

Third item hasn't happened to me yet, and I haven't had a chance to look at my friends phone, but he normally doesn't change anything (doesn't really know how), anyways, if he is talking to someone on the phone and another call comes in (call waiting), after 3 rings his phone auto answers the incoming call and puts his original call on hold. If he quickly hits ignore when the call first comes in then it does not do this. He is not using a BT headset, so I don't think it's the headset profile setting set to answer at 3 rings.

If anyone has any suggestions for my 2nd and 3rd item, I would appreciate it.

Other than that, so far this has been my favorite rom ever.

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