Originally Posted by mgioia2
PP is probably 6...JD's been trying to disprove the need for higher PP's with proper memory allocation i think...you can probably still just use a PP changer if you want though...
something is going on with the pagepool with wm6.5.1.
JD said he left it at stock (sprint) which is 12mb.
With the 6.5 builds I was able to locate the pagepool with a hex editior but I am unable to find the string with 6.5.1.
You cannot trust the pp changer unless you verify that the available ram has changed the same amount as your new pagepool. I don't know if anyone has done this yet. I may do it when the new build drops but I highly doubt that JD has modified the pagepool so that the pp changer will work since he has not done so in the past. Be aware that the pp changer will act like its working and even show you the new value but it really has not changed the pp at all unless the string has been modified to work with the changer.
Soooo the question is what is the new string that 6.5.1 uses for pagepool AND what changes do we need to make in order to modify it.