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Old 11-09-2007, 12:39 PM
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morsus mihi
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schettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIPschettj is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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There is a reg setting to make that visible. you will need to use a registry editor...

To hide or show the GPS connection in the connections panel

        * The settings are at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings'
        * The 'Hide' DWORD value should be set to '0' or deleted to show the panel and to '1' to hide the panel
        * The 'Group' DWORD value should be set to '2' to show the panel and deleted to hide the panel

        For example, to show the GPS connection in the connectionss panel

            * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Hide = 0
            * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Group = 2
From xda developers, although this info is widely known it's just the first place that came up in the google search
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