Graphics driver weirdness.. certain apps causing issues with landscape graphics
okay so... coming from a TP1, I had always noticed that graphics performance in landscape mode was very poor and noticeably worse than in portrait view. I had confirmed this with benchmarking, using the "draw bitmaps" test in SK tools. Results in Landscape were almost 30% slower than in Portrait. But even without benching, it was painfully obvious in some apps.... animations would be choppier and there was some graphic tearing, like vsync was off.
One of the first things I did with my TP2 was run this same benchmark, and I was very pleased when the TP2 not only scored about 20% higher overall than the TP1, but it also scored identically in Portrait and Landscape.
But, now I have noticed that certain apps can "break" this, and make the TP2 perform just like the TP1, particularly, it will start running MUCH worse in landscape. The first app I confirmed was S2U2, but ONLY if the display mode is set to RawBuffer. If left to DirectDraw, landscape performance stays fine, BUT S2U2's graphics are garbled in landscape.
The second app I confirmed is Coreplayer. As soon as I open it, landscape performance nosedives. Whether I run a video or not.
Even if I shut either of these apps down completely, landscape peformance will remain broken until I soft reset. In the case of S2U2, I have to set the display mode back to direct draw and soft reset. The programs being installed does not cause the problem, only once they are run.
S2U2 and SK Tools Lite are free, if anyone else wants to see what I'm talking about. It pisses me off because a) this was one of my biggest complaints of the TP1, and b) S2U2 and Coreplayer are two apps I really dont want to go without. I am sure that there are other apps out there that will cause the same problem as well...
I dont know if anything can be done to fix this, but figured if anyone can, some of the geniuses here can.