Originally Posted by joojoobee666
No, these newer builds are 6.5.1. Windows 5.x, 6.1, 6.5 and 6.5.1 are based off of Windows CE 5.0 and use a kernel as such. Last I heard, Windows mobile 7 is going to be based off of Windows CE 6.0 and the devices will require an entirely different kernel as the changes between 5.0 and 6.0 are quite significant.
I know this subject was a week ago... but just caught up on this thread-today. This info is based from "my" sources and what they shared with me. (I've shared this with a few of you here.) I had to expand on this.
joojoobee is right on this on the "different" CE versions. To explain this further (what it means to us and where it's important changes lie)...
Basically, think of the differences of CE 5 and CE 6 as being like the differences of Windows XP and Windows Vista in the PC world! XP was written on older based code and extensions. Vista was written with a whole new code base, new object templates, extensions and modules- and it required (a minimum base) processor and hardware just to be "compatible." After it's release, all of a sudden, many existing PC's, hardware, peripherals and program's were NOT compatible for use with Vista...
M$ has two "separate" groups working on the "separate" developments of CE5 and CE6. They are not working together, but "are" working in the same framework for a simular "touch and feel" even though the codebase will be vastly different.
CE 6 is based on new code from the base up. Pulling from their legal founderings during the release of Vista (They were sued because all of a sudden, no one's driver's and interfaces worked!), M$ is writing it's own drivers and interfaces... And giving them out. Sounded as if M$ was going to take more (or total) control "over" CE6 in an attempt to protect themselves. That's how "different" it will be!
Looking at hardware... Even thought the Touch Pro 2 has a sticker on it saying that it will be "Upgradable to WM7", speculation now points that it may have been premature. The release OS is targeted for a "higher" minimum processor (than is in the TP2), which as of yet, the processor exists, but is only in test stages in prototype devices.
Do I think CE6 will work with older devices? Well, the test versions may, but as sone as they marry it over the new kernel, the odds on all bets on this are going to be pretty entertaining. Who knows- It's still mostly vaporware as of yet anyway.
My sources told me two weeks ago that a "Final Release" from M$ would be "soon"... so OCT 7 or so doesn't sound outlandish (but we'll see)... But I was told that's along CE 5 WM6.5.