Originally Posted by Gulanowski
Just got my replacement TP2 from Verizon (The first one has battery issue's and a crackling earpiece). The first TP2 had no stuck or dead pixels, the second one has about 10. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
I had this same issue with my Titan, but then they were available in the store and I just went in and got another one within my 30 days. But now I'd have to have a third one sent to me, what a pain.
My personal feeling towards your CASE, return the 2nd one again. Call VZn and tell them the issue. And be firm when you say.. "I paid alot of money for a business phone and I expect to get one it excellent condition, and to my disbelief I have been shipped yet another Pro 2 with anomalies." Just be professional and kind. ANd they will ship you another one. And trust me... once you get a PRo without these issues you will thank me alot. And dont be discouraged, if the poll data is correct, then 3 out of 4 units are good. You just got unlucky.