Originally Posted by eman
As far as the manufacturer is concerned, we are such a small number of people here that we really won't put a dent in them. The average business person buying this phone will never notice this as well as the average user.
I doubt they are going to be installing better screens in the device, hence making them cost even more money. A screen with a stuck pixel on a TP2 is still a lot better then a perfect screen on a TP.
You'd be surprised. I sent out a corporate email bomb or whatever that is called after receiving terrible phone service from verizon for the first time ever. I ranted about several things and my letter was actually used for training purposes on the west coast. I also got a ton of free crap. That just from a letter. If you talk to the right people you might make change happen. Sorry if that sounds cheesy but I believe it. As far as costing more, they wouldnt "improve" the screen, just go with a different source.