Looks great. Just some quick observations...
- nueCPL-Power (build 296) ,
Backlight Timeout - does not offer input options.
- I found a way to get to the original WindowsMobile Backlight Timeout settings through Opera. In Opera, click on bottom right corner of screen (to bring up time) then click on time. It will always close Opera, but about 1 out of 3 attempts it will bring up a nice graphic of sync status, power, volume, date/appointment etc. Click the power/battery symbol brings up the regular Backlight settings.
- nueCPL-Power (build 296) ,
Backlight Brightness -The highest level of brightness is actually one level below the highest level of brightness the system gives. That could potentially give anyone using it in their rom a "perceived" power advantage when comparing against other roms that are actually using full brightness.
- also not specific to this ROM but perhaps worth mentioning for sake of being thorough- after flashing rom built by different author, "SSK 2.6.5 Pro Build 23017 RUU R4R2", no programs will install to storage card, (everything else with the card functions as normal, & gigs of free space). No one else has responded on this problem, so it's very likely just unique to my phone or card. The problem has now lived through 3 ROMs built by different authors.
- It's an extra/unnecessary click having to minimize programs first to get to running tasks list in order to switch tasks or close tasks. Perhaps that's a very easy change I can figure out to do myself.