Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff
again, you can remap the keyboard to have CTRL, so your problem is solved there. so while you HAD a valid point, it's irrelevant to a power user because we know how to get around it now.
you realize why they put the select text option right? it's to make texts much more scroll friendly. besides, you CAN select text without going to that menu. it's just different now. you tap and hold the screen where you want to start, then move it along the text and when you're done just hold on it and a menu will pop up to copy. It's a little strange at first judging the time it takes before it'll go to the select all context menu, but once you figure it out it's effective... i basically wait for the lil animation to start then i start moving for highlighting text. plus u have better scrolling within the text because ur not accidentally highlighting stuff. i love this change. scrolling through threaded texting was a 8itch on the tp compared to this.
you can also disable the manila programs menu from popping up from the start button.. you just have to edit the registry which takes seconds. i was angered by this at first too because i like using quickmenu for cascading windows and the tf3d manila start menu would overpower it at times. disabling it fixed it and now quickmenu works perfect. here is the reg edit http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...6&postcount=92
it just sounds like you judged your tp2 too soon before even trying for fixes or even discovering how to do things in new ways. next time, you should try asking if there's a way around something rather than pouting about it in the diamond2 forum 
Like I said I know I can remap the keys. And i still disagree that the new TF3D is gay! I am aware and have used the TP2 to its full potential. I have sent one out to overseas to my cousin so that he can test it out on the GSM network. Trust me I know what am doing and talking about. I know other WM users that find the new TF3D gay as well. ;]