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Old 11-08-2007, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by cjbreisch View Post
I have a stupid question about S2U2. Please pardon my ignorance.

From what I have read, the wallpapers are a couple of JPG's in the install directory, and if I want a custom wallpaper, then I just have to replace those.

Well, if I install it as an OEM in my ROM, does that mean that I have to install my custom wallpapers as a patch in the ROM? If so, I think I'm better off not putting it in my ROM and installing it afterwards. I think I'm likely to want to change my wallpaper more often than I flash.

Of course, I've flashed about 6 times in the last 3 days, so maybe that's not true at all...

It looks like there's a registry setting HKLM\Software\A_C\S2U2\S2U2Path. Could I set this to where my wallpapers are? Or will I break the app if I set that to anything other than the install directory?

Don't take this as a complaint. I'm thrilled with the kitchen and how it works...just trying to make sure I understand things completely.
I think you should just install S2U2 instead of adding it as OEM ....all the images for S2U2 take up twice the space in \windows and other one in \Windows\gfx ... with the extra space you save, you can add other OEM packages

what i do is i keep all the files that are custom to images and links in my storage card and after a flash or hard reset i just copy/paste them over to My Device path example for S2U2 i would keep my custom wallpaper.jpg in a folder

\Storage Card\BackUp\Program Files\S2U2\gfx\wallpaper.jpg so when it comes time to copy everything all i do is highlight everything in BackUp then copy then paste to My Device ...and your somewhat back to what you had before the Hard reset or flash

Last edited by Snager; 11-08-2007 at 10:44 PM.
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