Originally Posted by cac2us
I found that the issue with the letter recognizer, is because it is only availible to the 21xxx builds.
I have not tried to mix n match any builds YET.
Thanks for this info. I have been playing with my TP2 at the moment. We get so involed in building and at the same time testing other builds, and before you know it "who knows what is what" lol
I never used those features so therefore never paid too much attention.
On a side note folks: Tplane37 enlightened us on the missing dropdown menu for the last two builds. There is no arrow, but if you tap and hold you get results.<<<<-----this is refering to onscreen keyboard
Now all we need is HSPL for our TP2.
cac2us don't settle for tp1, get the TP2 even if it takes alittle bit.