8notime and myself have been having quite a few problems with our VZW TP2's maintaing a 3G connection (not a data connection, but a 3G connection).
A little background....
It seems, regardless of signal strength (my office is 200 yards from a VZW tower), sometimes our TP2's drop to 1X and will not get back out of it and get back on 3G. I got my TP2 last Saturday and it's been great with the exception of this issue. Over the course of this week I've gotten stuck in 1X quite a few times. Some of the things we've done to try to correct it:
Soft reset/Power cycle: Sometimes it fixes it, sometimes not
*228 option 1: Sometimes it fixes it, sometimes not.
Well yesterday I hit a point where nothing would get me back on 3G. With 4 full bars I could not get off 1X and was only pulling 135kbps down.
So I decided to call VZW and after hearing a variety of excuses and speaking with 3 techs I finally got to someone who gave me a DMU reset... power cycled the phone and I was back on 3G. So that fixed it.... sort of. The problem I have now is that every other soft reset dumps me back into 1X and I can only get out of it by soft resetting again...
On 3G, soft reset, back to 1X only, soft reset, back to 3G, soft reset, back to 1X, etc.....
So any time I install a cab that requires it or I need to soft reset, I need to double reset to maintain 3G. Here's my question....
Is anyone else experiencing this type of issue with their VZW Touch Pro 2? And if you are.... did you have a hacked Sprint TP active on your account at some point? That seems to be the only common link between myself and 8notime (other than having TP2's). We both had hacked Sprint TP1's on our accounts so maybe that is still somehow messing with our provisioning. I sold my TP1 in August and used my Apache (6700) for about 5 weeks in between without any issue staying in EV/3G. So maybe this has something to do with it, maybe not. Maybe all VZW TP2's are affected, maybe not.
So if you're having an issue like this, please post in the poll so we can see what's up...
Update 10/12/09: Just to let everyone know, we've ruled out the hacked Sprint TP1 being on your account as having anything to do with this issue, so you can add the top two choices and the bottom two choices to a get a sense of the acutal poll results. So far it's about half and half of people experiencing the 1X stuck issue vs. not. Right now, there's no definitive information to suggest why some users get stuck and others may not.
It appears that some Imagio users are also experiencing this issue so we may be looking at a real hardware problem with the radio IF the Imagio uses a different firmware. Right now we're waiting for the unlocker so we can start swapping radio firmwares to see if that helps. Many of us have reported this to VZW but little if no action has been taken. People have even gone into VZW stores to see Imagios and Ozones stuck in 1X (no TP2's are in store right now to check).
See this post for a possible temporary solution though it's unproven as of this edit:
Update 11/7/09
Well, not really much to update. Unfortunately, it seems the unlocker and custom roms aren't having any effect on this issue. I personally have not flashed to another radio but someone in this thread said they did try an older Sprint radio and it had no effect either. I have flashed to MightyRom and I'm still stuck in 1X pretty often. I didn't expect just changing over to 6.5 to have any effect but who knows.
Other than continually harrassing VZW about it, dunno what else we can do. More than half of the people responding to the poll say they have this issue so it's definitely not isolated
and it's stayed about the same as more and more batches of TP2s have been released.
Update 11/10/09
gbruyn is working with a specific tech and he asked if we could also contact him. Below is the info....
Can you put this information on the first page of your thread? Thanks!
Verizon Users Getting Stuck in 1X --- PLEASE READ!
For those of you who have the plaguing problem of your data connection dropping to 1X, I'm trying to spearhead this issue with Verizon and need your help.
Everytime I open a ticket, it get's closed stating that it's a signal issue with a specific location. We all know that this is not the case. I finally have got ahold of a Tech supervisor who gave me all of his contact information so that we could ALL direct our issue to him. He would then get it elevated through the proper channels and then hopfully they can find a fix. It's my hope that we can all email or call him and explain our issue. He was very nice to work with on the phone and said he is dedicated to getting the problem resolved. I think he's looking at this from a global look rather than an isolated one like every other tech I've spoken to.
Here is his contact information:
Kevin Drakeford
843-566-8600 EXT 1789
Charleston, SC Call Center
Please email or call him with your information and make sure to inform him all of the steps that you've tried that have been unsuccessful (new phone, hard reset, etc etc).
I will try and follow up with him later in the week. Msg here if you contacted him. Hopefully we can get this fixed and be left with just an awesome working phone!
Update 11/18/09
I sent a long and detailed email to Kevin today. Hope to hear back from him soon. I let him know that there are quite a few of us having problems from all over the US so it's not isolated to me or my area. Of particular note, here's some other threads from around the area of people having issues. None are as robust as this one but it's out there. Thanks to grubyn for getting the word about Kevin out.
Update 11/19/09
froader emailed customer service and got a response saying 'it's a known issue, we're sending you a replacement'. Hard to say if that's the case or not as many replacements people have received have exhibited the same issue. I guess we'll have to wait and see if his replacement is any different. A few others have also emailed so we'll see what they say.
Update 11/25/09
Just to update this in case anyone is subbed and not regularly checking PPC.
We still don't know what the issue is. I had a refurb come in with an August build date, same as my original, didn't even try it. It was in poor condition so I'm sending it back. Some folks with early November build dates are still having the problem so no hardware/software changes have been made by Verizon. As far as I know, no one has heard back from Kevin. Not to say he's not passing our info along but I would hope he could have replied to one of us. Even to just say piss off. Ugh.
UPDATE 2/9/10
If anybody is still having this problem, update to radio 2.23. I've had zero problems since then. Still on my launch day phone.