Ok, let me post this with more clarity and less haste (I am not running out the door this time).
I need to officially thank Tplane37 of the "Force Developments" team for putting the list of modules that get recmodded together and helping me with some testing. Also need to thank AstainHellbring AND Tplane37 for some ideas with it. (You guys rock
The RecModCommonFiles.txt is the module folders that you want recmodded. You may change the content to whatever you want. The script is expecting recmod.exe to be in the same folder as the script. The easiest way to use this is to place a shortcut to the RecModCommon.bat in your "Send To" folder, then right click on the "COMMON" folder and "Send To" the batch file.
This does NOT have to be used on the COMMON folder only, you can also use it with an old stype Bepe kitchen where EVERYTHING is in the root of SYS. Also, I have reattached the scripts to this post to clarify what scripts this post is referring to. Once again, I apologize for my haste earlier, I just wanted to spread the goods before I had to head out the door from where I was.
Also, you may feel free to edit/cleanup the vbscript as you see fit