Re: sprint sucks
I had a hard time with Sprint when I returned 4 years ago (Sprint>Nextel>Sprint). I got the Moto Q and my first bill was almost $1000. Eventually, we worked it out and IMHO, the CS has improved tremendously, there were times I was going over my plan mins and would rackup an enormous bill, and they have worked with me throughout and when my Moto-Q bombed I went in to one of their main hub stores and they replaced it, no problems. I've had their Simply Everything plan on 2 lines and just renewed another 2 years - dropping to the new data/mobile unlimited plan, saving even more money with my corp. discount. Even coverage has improved. So, good luck if you can find better rate plans and CS. The TP2 w/Sprint rocks! I just did the hack to get the tethering - I'm going to setup a laptop/projector/portable screen and watch the fight (Mayweather/Marquez) at the beach! Holla!