Thread: sprint sucks
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Old 09-17-2009, 01:36 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

Originally Posted by jmorton10 View Post
I'm not sure where Sprint gets off charging so much for the TP2, how on earth can they justify that??

As far as comparing Sprint & VZ monthly fees, that is like apples & oranges.

I have had both over the years, you go with Sprint to save money or you go with Verizon for the best network coverage (& there is a difference). Sure, a Sprint phone can roam off a VZ tower but it's not even close to the "same thing".

Mainly because it probably cost Sprint more to have the Sprint TP2 version manufactured at HTC. They came off different productions lines with different product specs, designs & probably some tooling at HTC. Believe me it cost more to make Sprint version verses Verizon & T-mobile. Higher quality higher costs. Nothing is Free!!!!!!
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