Re: bluetooth headset funtionality
I would really pay if who ever on here finds the solution. I'm willing to donate for someone to take time and start trying to fix this problem.
Someone should make a Poll, so we get an idea of how many people are having this problem. I know not everyone uses BT HS but for the ones that due it would be nice to know who has problems and who doesnt. From what i have expericance this happens with all the headsets i have. Jawbone 2 and prime Jabra 250v and Jabra5050 plantrinic voyager and a motorola as well. So we all know is not a BT HS problem but a phone problem. All the above head sets work with my PPC 6700, mogul, and Touch Pro.
Question one
1. hanging up problem
2. Pairing problem
3. Every time you turn on headset the volume low.
4. All of the Above
I would make the poll but i dont have any idea how to.
Last edited by nootrak4; 09-17-2009 at 02:29 PM.