Thread: sprint sucks
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Old 09-17-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: sprint sucks

if I went with verizon I would bet a 15-20% discount through my job. but the fact of the matter is I'm not in the mood every month(last phone was 3 weeks ago) I have to take off work earily and go to a sprint store to get my phone replaced because of a defect. my last one was new in the box and same problem. Sprint can say well its HTC problem but isn't it there job to take that up with HTC to get this matter resolved so they don't lose customers? And Verizon is a much better service area and coverage area then sprint. i have 5 dropped calls a day with sprint and the areas i normally go to I have NO service. my co worker has verizon and full bars. so yeah i'm not *****ing about the coverage area i'm mad about how every month i have to get my phone replaced. I'm calling sprint back today and see if can hopefully come to some agreement. if not i'm going to verizon. And just to make matters worst I e-mailed sprint last night about the problem and no e-mail or call back but my buddy with verizon e-mailed verizon and they returned his e-mail in 5 hours and called the next morning to make sure his "button" on his phone worked.

Last edited by derrickmd18; 09-17-2009 at 12:38 PM.
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