IE on my mogul used to display very nicely. On my TP2 it, along with lots of other sites are kinda wacked. Its like the browser window is 3 times the width of the screen, so even on sites that are formatted correctly to be viewed on a small screen, I get a horizontal scroll bar.
I've tried the "desktop/mobile" setting in IE no difference. And I dont like the way opera (both moble and mini) displays sites specific for mobile devices.
On my mogul the user agent is a little different it says IEMobile 7.11, whereas the tp2 user agent has IEMobile 8.12 AND IEMobile 6.0
Even a test page which is nothing more than a index.html file with the word test in it has a scrollbar on my TP2 that has 2 screens of whitespace. (try it here
Is there a registry setting to set the IE user agent? And is there also a setting (registry or file) that reports the window width (like in opera:config)?