Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx
you sprint fanboys are worse than iphone fanboys...
SPRINT is almighty verizon sucks cause they have better coverage and cheaper phone! Damn you all on verizon...
we pay the same for our verizon plan as we would if we switched to sprint what you guys have to say about that?! Ive never had a problem with customer service either...
You know what? People are more willing to help you out if you are polite. Try calling them back and being very nice and just ask to talk to someone higher up.
Man that's messed up if u think we pay the same for the same plans. I hate to say it but that is so untrue! Each one has their good n bad points, but prices..... At&t n Verizon has some of the most expensive plans there is and offer so little with them. But in the end it's always up to each person to make their own choice...