Thread: New Rom
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Old 09-16-2009, 10:20 PM
omfgaturtle's Avatar
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Re: New Rom

My Preferred App List and build:
OS Build: 23016 (6.5.0)

App List:
G-Alarm (mapped to clock "set")
Album 2.0 mapped to "hold" camera and Camera mapped to "push" camera.
Opera 9.7b
Google Maps/Sprint NAV
Advanced Cinfig 3.3 w/.net Config 3.5 pre-installed
ATContacts and Titanium Weather CHOME Panels
Some sort of CHOME editor like "showaco chome editor" or "titanizer"
Battery and Performance Hacks
facebookIM (Mosko.Mobi fIM)

Some sort of folder organization within the start menu, eg: tools, multimedia, etc.
The 'keygaurd' and 'screensaver' back in the settings. They are curiously missing in the 6.5.1 version of your rom.
The ability to have custom 6.5 Taskbars (the 6.1 stock did not allow you to have one, and I'm scared to try it in the 6.5.1 because of the new bottom menu thingy (which I hate)
A different soft keyboard. ew.
How about some smaller stuff? Everything is WAY too big for this screen.

Thanks for all you do! I really appreciate you. Donation on the way (when I get paid).