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Old 11-08-2007, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ydounvme21 View Post
This was a great work around for me as I love the palm threaded sms. I went a step further and created a "new sms" shortcut and assigned it to the camera button. when I'm in a chat thread I click that button and a new sms pops up. For some reason it bounces the cursor to the body of the sms so I type that first then tab up to the contact field. If you hit the center tab it'll pull up a recent sms contact list. Much quicker than typing out a name.

The nice thing is that once the sms is sent it closes the new window and ur back at your open thread with the new message you just typed already logged in there.

I also created a script that would run the new sms shortcut and pop up the keyboard automatically. The script only opens a new sms when I'm in the threaded messenger, otherwise it's my start button.

Attaching the two files here. You have to have mortscript installed if you want to use the script file. I put the script and new sms.lnk in "\windows\start menu\programs\mortscript". You should do the same unless you want to modify the script for your location.
Great job! Thanks!