Lol grrrrr. I went through the lengths of downloading an older version of Arc Soft... of course using the removal program, and soft resetting each time after doing any sort of setting change.
I've used, used, both times with port setting open 8080 (default was 80 which I had already tried), then changed connect via from "the internet" to "network" again, with all sorts of combinations.. the most I can get done, is send picture mail (which i've been testing on myself) but not being able to download them.
What happens is my picture mail comes through a different text, not threaded like its suppose to be (sending texts it goes through threaded), not a problem. First the download button is greyed out, then after a few minutes its not. Not a problem I have patience. Soo... when I do choose to download, it just never does. Stays at 0%. Anyone else have this problem? Can someone tell me what their MMS settings are for their servers exactly?