Originally Posted by kholy
How do you guys have Nights and Weekend starting at 7?? mine dont start till 9
is there an easy way to get that fixed?
- Sprint Fair & Flexible Plan
- Unlimited Mobile to Mobile
- Adjustable Anytime Minutes
- Caller ID
- $30.00 Minimum Monthly Charge
- Call Waiting
- Three-way Calling
- Nationwide Long Distance Included
- Voicemail
- Unlimited Night & Weekend Mins. Included
- Nights: M-Th 9PM-7AM Wknd: F 9PM-M 7AM
- Unlimited Data Access
Monthly charge for service plan
Plan add-ons
If you call retentions and beg for 7pm evenings, I know they are at liberty to make the change. Though, they will probably want to charge $5/month extra. If yr a good negotiator, you can get it added for free. I got it for free when I signed up, why shouldn't you?