Originally Posted by machtenx
I'm not discounting anything you've said.. I'm just saying this thread is equally or more likely to attract Touch Fanboys as Mogul fanboys. It's irrelevant really, since it's very easy to get a Touch as replacement for the Mogul. I did it and I'm on a SERO plan.
You posted those numbers afterwards, and they make sense to me. You're definitely on to something about the Mogul draining battery in areas of poor service. I bet they optimized that on the Touch after seeing how horribly they designed the Mogul's radio
Yes, agreed - threads like this attract fanboys on both sides.
I do think in my case that a large % of the battery difference is better reception by the Touch in this building. My Mogul battery does pretty well when I have good reception.
The Touch will be awesome with Seidio's upcoming 1500 battery!
Glad you were able to get a Touch - do you have it yet?