Originally Posted by mikee4fun
F5 F5 F5 F5 Looks like Calkulin is uploading the new kitchen. Calkulin I am now back to using your kitchen. I am having issues when going into the phone settings. Once I am in there I can't close it or change any of the settings. The ringtone reverts back. I may have deleted something inadvertently. Do you know what is dependent on the phone settings panel? I am using the new kernel. I do not believe it is that. I am using the 23049 sys as well. I tried going back to an older sys to narrow it down but deleted all the other sys's. I could not re download your kitchen at all today. Mediafire was being a booger this morning.
Also is your XIP spinlock patched?
You should hope it isn't spinlocked. Apparently the 6.5 Kernal is slower with it spinlocked.