Originally Posted by Cicatrize
Great...this doesn't sound good. I'm receiving mine tomorrow, and I will be returning it if there are stuck/dead pixels for sure. I never had any pixel problems with my Mogul, my first Touch had a black spot on the LCD after almost a year of ownership (which I traded in for a new one), and neither of my two Touch Pros had any pixel issues. ever.
Stuck or dead pixels were VERY rare for the past devices. But this is ridiculous! If the data on the vote is correct, 1 out of 4 Pro2 they sell have this issue. And by this ISSUE I mean 4 to 20 stuck pixels. I would return until I get a flawless screen like the 3 out of 4 that people are gewtting. When ppl say.. "Ohh , your soo picky. Its not bad! " Chances are they have a perfect screen and dont see the issue. Pro2 is turning into a disaster. ss much as many members here hate to hear that. Beautiful big screen, but full of dead and stuck pixels with an uneven back light. My pro 1 is looking better and better with its futuristic magnotrom stylus and Capacitive Dpad. Ohh yeah baby. ANd no stick pixels. And LED flash light. That think comes in handy all the time when interrogating people!