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Old 11-08-2007, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Ryan07 View Post
I moved my OEM package for JPLDialer-Vista and when I run BuildOS I get a duplicate file error. The three files in question are the incoming, outgoing and missed call gif images. I'm going to guess that it's in the Phone OEM hidden in the rar file that's password protected. Is there any way around this error, or should I just plan on installing it from the CAB file?

With the kitchen, it seems that the BuildOS would read the UUID and overwrite files as the ROM was built. The Phone OEM was there and accessible and I never had a problem. Only with the WM6 kitchen and now the new BuildOS am I seeing this. I've renamed a few of my OEM packages to start with ffffffff but that doesn't seem to help in this case.

Thanks to everyone involved. This new format is great.
You have three options (in order of difficulty):

1. Ignore the errors (hit OK). All that means is that in your call log the missed, incoming, and outgoing icons will be the standard ones instead of the ones included with your phone skin.

2. Move the three files out of your OEM package and put them in the "Patches" directory at the root of the BuildOS directory (C:\BuildOS unless you changed it). That will cause them to be copied in during the build process, replacing the originals.

3. Rename them so their file names do not conflict and use an initflashfiles.txt file to copy them to \Windows using the correct names. You can look at some of the dialers in the pppcgeeks_oem.rar package to see examples of how I did it.

Once you have that dialer installed you may want to verify that it works properly for 911. Skins sourced from GSM devices may cause the phone to lock up for up to a minute when dialing 911. Also, other CDMA specific functions like the active/inactive data arrows and ## codes may not be functional on GSM-based dial skins.
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