I hope you really are kidding about flashing. Heck all of these things:
September 6th 2009:
Slide2Shutdown shutdown issue fixed
I don't use SlidetoShutdown anymore. I use PocketShield.
Opera autorotate fixed
Mine rotates perfectly.
Photopicker issue when changing wallpapers in manila, fixed
I use panoramic wallpaper.
MMS size issue fix, cooked in now
Doesn't seem to be a problem.
Picutures can now be added to the favorite people tabs
Can add those with 9/5 here.
PTT Assignment to Comm Manager fixed
Don't use that.
Revised start menu layout to look more like the older releases
Use panoramic Launchpad so it will still look the same to me. LOL
Adjusted icons on slider to be centered
Mine are centered perfect.
I thought we had all of the important issues listed above fixed in the 9/5 anyways?
Everything seems golden here.
Or, are you just lookin fer trouble???LOL