Originally Posted by luv2chill
Please read through the thread before asking a question--you have selected too many OEMs and your ROM is too full. Try unchecking a large one like Office or TCPMP and so forth until you no longer get the error.
Is there any way we could expand the memory alotted in the kitchen for the ROM? I got the same error and although I kept cutting back on things again and again, I couldn't figure out any way to cook a rom with Office 2007 on it and NOT get the "out of memory fffff" error. My PPC says I'm only using 8.24mb of internal memory (no office at all), and thats with a few things I have active sync copy over after the rom. I have 35mb free and I'd like to use some of it for the ROM so I don't have to install everything from a .cab
BTW, I loove the new kitchen!! Its so sleek and dead reliable, aside from this error, you can't crash it. Now if I could just figure out where vcmd.exe goes...