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Old 09-15-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: Q & A for Touch pro's on TEP (Service and Insurance)

Originally Posted by TnA-2xXtReM View Post
Ouch! How is your TP doing now? Just kind of felt bad for you as for it wasn't a 'real' liquid damage.. guess you will run itno some trouble when you have issue with your TP later on
My touch pro was actually doing okay, there was no liquid corrosion on the boards or even in the phone, so I was happy. But then my keyboard went out, and the screen started wiggin out bad, and my phone wouldn't even power on half the time, and if it would, it would randomly dial people, even if i had it locked. This was even after I flashed it back to the stock ROM. lol. Henceforth, I had one of my fellow techs check my phone, and then a few days later, I had my 7th or 8th replacement phone. lol...
Want to change the camera sound on your Touch Pro? Check my thread here:

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