Originally Posted by jt986
I have a sero plan and I called to make sure that I could get the pre with my plan,the lady told me that I would just have to upgrade my sero plan to the 3g plan which was 59.99. The next day I go to purchase my pre from best buy and the employee didn't think that I could get it with sero,so he calls the operator and they say its a no go. I immediately call the SERO line and tell them wat the first lady told me and in a matter of minutes I was all set up. I didn't receive any call or email saying that I could no longer use this plan,besides I signed a 2 year contract. 
If your on the 59.99 plan it is not a SERO plan since SERO has been deactivated. Its now the everything data employee referral plan.
Im on it too.