Originally Posted by 8notime
If you don't want to do the advanced config route, just modify the following keys:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings SMSNoSentMsg = 0
HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\Default Options = 0
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings DisableSMSDeliveryReceipt = 0
I'm not getting the pop up box but I too am getting the "new message" indicator instead, that disappears. It would be nice to figure out how to make that not show up also.
sweet thanks 8...just wait till our phones are unlocked. then we should only have to do the simple regedit
Originally Posted by stanglifemike
I dont want to lose that either, havent seen it yet on my TP2 but it was helpful on my TP
just go to a place with bad service....i get it all the time haha. and i bet i will get it the same amount of time on my tp2
Originally Posted by stanglifemike
is this a new advanced config or the same one we used on our TP?
i thought advanced config was pretty much dead? the latest version i know of is 3.3