Re: JD's Clean Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM & Kitchen (beta updated sept.15)
ok I love your ROMS and flash as soon as you release a new one. I have been doing this for about the last 10 ROMS you have released. the problem I am having with ever one is that I can not get a GPS Lock with any of them. I have tried flashing back to the stock Alltel ROM and then to your ROMs and then back toy yours and same results. I also am not in favor of your new start menu but to each there own. if you can help out in any way that will be great
Current Device: HTC HD2 Wife myTouch 3G & Touch Pro2 for SALE ~ ROM - Energy 6.5.X Series Wife .... in process of Rooting and finding a good 2.1 base with Sense 2.0 ROM ~ Carrier - T-Mobile ~ Memory Card - 16GB SanDisk soon to be 32 GB SanDisk