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Old 09-15-2009, 09:45 AM
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Re: Got verizon tp2 for 150$ off website pics

Originally Posted by shong6 View Post
My question is this.
Why would you get it for 150 with 2 year contract when you can get it for 180 with 1 year? (for corporate discounts.)
I forgot about this, I'm going to get mine changed if I can... much better since I can get a new phone in a year.

$30 is WELL worth it IMO. I'm sick of cell phone contracts.

It looks like I can add it to my family plan (which is 2 years,) so I'll post back once I have any updates. I should be getting the phone either today or tomorrow.

EDIT: Just realized the activation fee is higher with a 1 year contract. So $35 instead of $20 (or was it $25?) Still not a deal breaker though.
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