Originally Posted by DropZone9540
I've searched this thread and can't find if anyone else has reported this problem. In Opera and in SMS composition, I don't have the keyboard preview of buttons using the on-screen keyboard when they are pressed. Didn't have this problem in the last build.
Anyone else noticing the problem? Any fix?
It works on mine but I use FingerKeyboard or Touchpal.
Using fkb I get a sort of predictive effect.
Using TP I get that plus dictionary of text as I type.
Just checked and I do have the pop out keys when I press letters on the EZinput keypad that is the stock virtual keypad.
What do you mean preview?
Did not get the predictive text on the stock kp.
Not sure if it works or if I did not set it to work.
It is a great kp but I don't use it because the other two match my TF3D theme.