Originally Posted by ObsoleteE
Thanks, in Western NY Verizon coverage is top dog. Would I have a problem arguing the ET fee after I switched and had my number transfered?
You will probably not have much luck arguing the ET fee. It's there so Sprint can recoup the portion of the cost they paid toward your last phone (even if you didn't get any discounts or rebates, there was still a subsidy).
Sprint now prorates ET fees. If you have a long time left on your contract, you will pay the full ET fee. I think it's $20 a month for each month left, up to $200 maximum, $40 minimum.
On a personal level, I strongly recommend against the switch. I have been in the WinMob device world since the Sprint PPC-6601 - a long time. Verizon is always MUCH later with ROM updates and bug fixes, later with device launches, they deliberately remove features from their devices, Verizon CS is atrocious, they are more expensive per month, and Sprint now has unlimited anytime minutes for Everything Data customers.
What I would recommend is this: buy a Sprint TP2. It has a much better antenna and I have seen much better network and signal. Use it for a while. If you're still unhappy, port your number to VZW and return it with no additional penalty. Just my opinion.